Bubbaroo Baby Sleep Diary Week #4

Another week has passed us by on our journey to a sound sleep. This week has seen a few set backs involving numerous wake ups and a baby in our bed! It also saw the first time Taylor was put to bed by somebody who wasn’t me so it isn’t all bad. We’re still not feeding Taylor to sleep which was my main goal and I’m so pleased to have accomplished this.

Night #1 – This evening saw me leave Taylor with somebody else putting him to bed for the first time in the elven months since he was born. I was convinced he would be asleep downstairs when I got home. It was a real shock to receive a message from his Grandma at 7:30 to say Taylor was fast asleep in his bed after a bottle of milk. He woke around 8:30pm and was rocked back to sleep by Daddy. He did however wake at 4:30am but went back to sleep swiftly after seeing me. Overall what a success! I couldn’t imagine allowing somebody else to put him to bed before now so this is a big achievement for us both.

Night #2 – Another night of self settling, I was hot on my heels to tweet to the worlds how wonderfully our precious boy had nodded off, only to be sat in his room 30 minutes later just as I was about to eat. He did however go back to sleep after this without being fed which is the goal! He also slept through.

Night #3 – Taylor woke up at 12:30am, considering most of his wake ups have been prior to 09:00pm I felt like a zombie heading downstairs to his room, it’s like he knew I had work that day!


Night #4 – What an awful night, the first evening following me being back in work two days in row. Having only seen me for one hour in the evening to simply feed him and put him to bed I can only assume he may have been missing me. It’s a big change. He woke 5 times in the night, I was too tired to even take to twitter and moan about it. Breaking every rule in the baby sleep word at 4:00am I took him into out bedroom. I was full of cold and had hardly any sleep with work in the morning. Night #5 – After a very clingy day at home with mummy Taylor slept better than previous nights, he napped in the day but still woke before 9:00pm. 


Having had three weeks of really good progress I’ve found our fourth week to be the most challenging with the introduction of me being away from Taylor longer than I have been previously. If we’re able to stick to the routine from here then hopefully the goals I set with Infant Sleep Consultants will be effective upon my returning to work full time in January.

Our experience so far has been fantastic, the number one thing I wanted to fix before I return to work is Taylor being breastfed to sleep and we ended last week with him not only having a bottle before bed but being put to bed by his grandparents whilst I was out!

  • Ugh sleep regression and numerous wakes in the night can be a killer so i don’t envy you at all going through this. It must be so hard especially as you’re trying to ease yourself back in to work as well, but just know that you’re doing an amazing job mama! xxx

  • blogging mummy

    Oh no going back to work and not getting a full nights sleep is a nightmare. Im back at work In Jan and am dreading it. Keep going with it though it can be done as you had 3 good weeks. xx

  • It sounds like it’s progressing really well, and you’ve got a good plan of action going on. Long may the success continue with minimal wake ups

  • Beautyqueenuk

    It does sound as though your plan is almost working, so I am wishing you lots of luck x

  • You’re doing such a fantastic job. The progress is doing well. I know it hard especially coming home from work then going back to work without sleep. Must be a nightmare. You can do it!! xx

  • Erin Ek Rush

    well done! I found putting my son to sleep really challenging when he was small and I have to be honest at almost 3 we still haven’t completely sorted it. Stick with it!

  • bericebaby

    Whoo Hooo! Well done Taylor. I’m still struggling with Hayden. He ends up in our bed nearly every night 🙁
    So glad you were able to get the new routine to work 😀 x

  • michelle

    Well done Taylor and well done to you to for persevering. Its so hard to keep going but you are doing brilliantly.

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